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Trees serve a vital function in our eco-system. In addition to providing shade, they replace carbon dioxide with oxygen and minimize erosion with their root system. The best way to have healthy, hardy trees is to have trees that are accustomed to this harsh environment.
» click here for our list of trees indigenous to Fire Island

In our efforts to maintain the advantages of having well-established trees, we facilitated passage of tree protection and anti-clear cutting legislation.
» click here to see the "Tree Legislation"

Check out our Flora and Fauna of Fire Island page on Facebook for the latest local news concerning our vegetation and wildlife.

In 2006, as part of our mandate to maintain an inventory of vegetation, we created a "tree inventory" for Ocean Beach. We took photos of every block, thus documenting all the vegetation present at every street corner. We hope to have this information available soon so that you can see the difference between what was there in 2006 versus what is there now.

Throughout 2023 VOBEC worked tirelessly with the Village Trustees to draft Chapter 144 of the Village Code - the Tree and Vegetation Protection Ordinance - which regulates the removal of trees and vegetation in Public Places as well as on Private Property. This new code section was adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 16, 2023. Going forward, permits will be required for the removal of any trees on private property, the replacement of any trees removed may be required by the Village Building Inspector, and fines will be assessed for unpermitted tree removal. In addition, the clearing of more than 20% of the vegetation on any lot is prohibited.
VOBEC is a mayor-appointed commission whose purpose is to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environment within the Village in the face of population growth, urbanization, and technological change and their subsequent demands on natural resources. These areas of focus reflect this mission of maintaining and improving the quality of our life experience and our efforts to foster unified action on environmental problems.
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