Environmental Awareness Day
Every year, we have a guest speaker come to Fire Island to discuss a topic relevant to our unique eco-system. This year, our guest speaker, Dr. Merry Camhi, sought to raise public awareness and drive action to conserve threatened sharks and other marine life in the New York region. She is the Director of a joint program of the Wildlife Conservation Society's (WCS) New York Aquarium and the Global Marine Program. During the program, she discussed misconceptions about sharks and addressed their conservation needs to ensure that our waters remain healthy and safe for sharks and humans alike.
Click here for more info
Beach Cleanup
Thanks to the Ocean Conservancy and in conjunction with its International Coastal Cleanup, VOBEC has historically held a beach cleanup in September. VOBEC organizes the event, debris on the beach is collected by volunteers, and VOBEC submits a summary of debris data to the Ocean Conservancy for tabulation into its annual report. This year we will be coordinating our cleanup efforts with Oakleyville, Point O'Woods, Ocean Bay Park, Seaview, Ocean Beach, Corneille Estates, Summer Club, Robbins Rest, Atlantique.
Click here for more info
Garden Club Meetings
Ocean Beach resident Diana Hein hosts Garden Club meetings at her home. All are welcome to come and discuss any topic that relates to gardening in Ocean Beach. Please contact her at 646-765-4531 or 631-583-9325 to find out when the next meeting is scheduled.
VOBEC Meetings
Most of our meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to join us to provide relevant feedback, or just hear what we are up to. We generally meet every two weeks. Contact us at VOBEC.FI@gmail.com to find out the location of our next meeting.